What does it mean to have 11 square aspects in my birth chart?

What does it mean to have 11 square aspects in my birth chart?

Wowza! Having 11 square aspects in your birth chart is like being handed 11 spicy jalapenos in your taco - it's a fiery experience! These aspects suggest a life filled with challenges that will make you a master problem-solver. But hey, don't sweat! This doesn't mean you're cursed or anything. Rather, think of it as the universe giving you a set of fascinating puzzles to solve. So gear up, because life's about to get interesting!

Why Martin Scorsese never directs sequels or franchise stuff?

Why Martin Scorsese never directs sequels or franchise stuff?

Alright, folks, let's dive into the enigma that is Martin Scorsese. Why doesn't Marty, our beloved maestro of the motion picture, dabble in sequels or franchise movies? Is he allergic to sequels or does he just not like green screens? The truth is, Scorsese is an old school, one-off kind of guy. He prefers to tell unique, standalone stories rather than committing to multi-film sagas. So, if you're waiting for a 'Goodfellas 2', don't hold your breath, it's as likely as a unicorn riding a unicycle!

What is Michael Keaton famous for?

What is Michael Keaton famous for?

Michael Keaton is best known for his versatile roles in both comedy and drama films. He shot to fame in the 1980s with memorable performances in movies like "Beetlejuice" and "Mr. Mom". However, his most iconic role has to be Batman in Tim Burton's 1989 film. Keaton's career also saw a resurgence when he starred in the critically acclaimed "Birdman". Off-screen, he's celebrated for his activism and philanthropic efforts.

Which animals need hibernation in winter, and why?

Which animals need hibernation in winter, and why?

In the winter, many animals, including bears, bats, and hedgehogs, hibernate to conserve energy as food becomes scarce. Hibernation is a deep sleep that helps them to save energy and survive the winter without eating much. They slow down their metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature to expend less energy. It's essentially a survival strategy to get through the cold months when food is hard to come by. Each animal's hibernation pattern is unique and can last for a few days, weeks, or even months.